hiburan : istilah Dunia Komputer: Tips dan trik : antivirus : Pemrograman :

Aplikasi Game 10 Detik

Diposting oleh Berbagi Ilmu On 14.34 0 komentar


Download contoh game

gambar 1.0 ( contoh game )

gambar 1.2 ( frmGame)

gambar 1.2 ( frmAbout)

gambar 1.3 ( frmGameOver)

gambar 1.4 ( Game Visible)

gambar 1.5 ( frmGame Description )

gambar 1.6 ( frmAbout Description)

gambar 1.7 ( frmGameOver Descriptione)



Aplikasi game 10 detik merupakan sebuah game yang dibilang sederhana, cara memainkan game ini adalah dengan cara mengumpulkan poin – poin dari masing-masing pengeklikan tombol yang dimana setiap tombol memiliki nilai 10. Batas pengeklikan adalah 10 detk. Apabila anda mengeklik di luar 10 detik, maka tombol tidak akan dapat digunakan lagi. Pengumpulan poin tergantung pada kecepatan anda mengeklik masing-masing tombol. Anda akan menghasilkaan poin maksimal sebesar 21000.


  • Bukalah Ikon Visual Basic

  • Pilih Standart.Exe

  • Jika anda sudah memiliki form1, buat 2 form lagi : form2 and form3

  • Desain aplikasi game sesuai dengan keterangan di bawah ini

  • Ketikan Kode-kode berikut ini sesuai dengan masing-masing form

frmGame :

Option Explicit

' Declare countdown variables for each button. These will begin at 10
' and countdown by one with each buttons timer event.
Dim fiCount1 As Integer
Dim fiCount2 As Integer
Dim fiCount3 As Integer
Dim fiCount4 As Integer
Dim fiCount5 As Integer
Dim fiCount6 As Integer
Dim fiCount7 As Integer
Dim fiCount8 As Integer
Dim fiCount9 As Integer

'Declare countdown speed variables for each button. Each button will have its
'own random countdown speed which will decrease when the button is clicked.
Dim fiSpeed1 As Integer
Dim fiSpeed2 As Integer
Dim fiSpeed3 As Integer
Dim fiSpeed4 As Integer
Dim fiSpeed5 As Integer
Dim fiSpeed6 As Integer
Dim fiSpeed7 As Integer
Dim fiSpeed8 As Integer
Dim fiSpeed9 As Integer

'Declare variable for game score
Dim fiScore As Integer
Dim fiNumLeft As Integer

'Declare variable to check that same button has not been pressed twice so as to
'disable cheating by just clicking repeatedly on the button.
Dim fiLastPressed As Integer

Private Sub cmd1_Click()
If fiLastPressed <> 1 Then
fiCount1 = 10
cmd1.Caption = 10
Timer1.Interval = Timer1.Interval - 50
fiScore = fiScore + 10
TxtScore.Text = Str(fiScore)
fiLastPressed = 1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmd2_Click()
If fiLastPressed <> 2 Then
fiCount2 = 10
cmd2.Caption = 10
Timer2.Interval = Timer2.Interval - 50
fiScore = fiScore + 10
TxtScore.Text = Str(fiScore)
fiLastPressed = 2
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmd3_Click()
If fiLastPressed <> 3 Then
fiCount3 = 10
cmd3.Caption = 10
Timer3.Interval = Timer3.Interval - 50
fiScore = fiScore + 10
TxtScore.Text = Str(fiScore)
fiLastPressed = 3
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmd4_Click()
If fiLastPressed <> 4 Then
fiCount4 = 10
cmd4.Caption = 10
Timer4.Interval = Timer4.Interval - 50
fiScore = fiScore + 10
TxtScore.Text = Str(fiScore)
fiLastPressed = 4
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmd5_Click()
If fiLastPressed <> 5 Then
fiCount5 = 10
cmd5.Caption = 10
Timer5.Interval = Timer5.Interval - 50
fiScore = fiScore + 10
TxtScore.Text = Str(fiScore)
fiLastPressed = 5
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmd6_Click()
If fiLastPressed <> 6 Then
fiCount6 = 10
cmd6.Caption = 10
Timer6.Interval = Timer6.Interval - 50
fiScore = fiScore + 10
TxtScore.Text = Str(fiScore)
fiLastPressed = 6
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmd7_Click()
If fiLastPressed <> 7 Then
fiCount7 = 10
cmd7.Caption = 10
Timer7.Interval = Timer7.Interval - 50
fiScore = fiScore + 10
TxtScore.Text = Str(fiScore)
fiLastPressed = 7
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmd8_Click()
If fiLastPressed <> 8 Then
fiCount8 = 10
cmd8.Caption = 10
Timer8.Interval = Timer8.Interval - 50
fiScore = fiScore + 10
TxtScore.Text = Str(fiScore)
fiLastPressed = 8
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmd9_Click()
If fiLastPressed <> 9 Then
fiCount9 = 10

cmd9.Caption = 10
Timer9.Interval = Timer9.Interval - 50
fiScore = fiScore + 10
TxtScore.Text = Str(fiScore)
fiLastPressed = 9
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdStart_Click()

cmd1.Enabled = True
cmd2.Enabled = True
cmd3.Enabled = True
cmd4.Enabled = True
cmd5.Enabled = True
cmd6.Enabled = True
cmd7.Enabled = True
cmd8.Enabled = True
cmd9.Enabled = True

fiCount1 = 11
fiCount2 = 11
fiCount3 = 11
fiCount4 = 11
fiCount5 = 11
fiCount6 = 11
fiCount7 = 11
fiCount8 = 11
fiCount9 = 11
fiScore = 0
TxtScore.Text = "0"
fiLastPressed = 0
fiNumLeft = 8

'set initial start speeds for each timer
Timer1.Interval = 1000
Timer2.Interval = 1000
Timer3.Interval = 1000
Timer4.Interval = 1000
Timer5.Interval = 1000
Timer6.Interval = 1000
Timer7.Interval = 1000
Timer8.Interval = 1000
Timer9.Interval = 1000

'Start all timers counting down
Timer1.Enabled = True
Timer2.Enabled = True
Timer3.Enabled = True
Timer4.Enabled = True
Timer5.Enabled = True
Timer6.Enabled = True
Timer7.Enabled = True
Timer8.Enabled = True
Timer9.Enabled = True
tmrEndGame.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
fiCount1 = 10
fiCount2 = 10
fiCount3 = 10
fiCount4 = 10
fiCount5 = 10
fiCount6 = 10
fiCount7 = 10
fiCount8 = 10
fiCount9 = 10
fiScore = 0
TxtScore.Text = "0"
fiLastPressed = 0
fiNumLeft = 8

'set initial start speeds for each timer
Timer1.Interval = 1000
Timer2.Interval = 1000
Timer3.Interval = 1000
Timer4.Interval = 1000
Timer5.Interval = 1000
Timer6.Interval = 1000
Timer7.Interval = 1000
Timer8.Interval = 1000
Timer9.Interval = 1000

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If fiCount1 = 0 Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
cmd1.Enabled = False
fiNumLeft = fiNumLeft - 1
fiCount1 = fiCount1 - 1
cmd1.Caption = Str(fiCount1)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
If fiCount2 = 0 Then
Timer2.Enabled = False
cmd2.Enabled = False
fiNumLeft = fiNumLeft - 1
fiCount2 = fiCount2 - 1
cmd2.Caption = Str(fiCount2)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
If fiCount3 = 0 Then
Timer3.Enabled = False
cmd3.Enabled = False
fiNumLeft = fiNumLeft - 1
fiCount3 = fiCount3 - 1
cmd3.Caption = Str(fiCount3)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer4_Timer()
If fiCount4 = 0 Then
Timer4.Enabled = False
cmd4.Enabled = False
fiNumLeft = fiNumLeft - 1
fiCount4 = fiCount4 - 1
cmd4.Caption = Str(fiCount4)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer5_Timer()
If fiCount5 = 0 Then
Timer5.Enabled = False
cmd5.Enabled = False
fiNumLeft = fiNumLeft - 1
fiCount5 = fiCount5 - 1
cmd5.Caption = Str(fiCount5)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer6_Timer()
If fiCount6 = 0 Then
Timer6.Enabled = False
cmd6.Enabled = False
fiNumLeft = fiNumLeft - 1
fiCount6 = fiCount6 - 1
cmd6.Caption = Str(fiCount6)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer7_Timer()
If fiCount7 = 0 Then
Timer7.Enabled = False
cmd7.Enabled = False
fiNumLeft = fiNumLeft - 1
fiCount7 = fiCount7 - 1
cmd7.Caption = Str(fiCount7)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer8_Timer()
If fiCount8 = 0 Then
Timer8.Enabled = False
cmd8.Enabled = False
fiNumLeft = fiNumLeft - 1
fiCount8 = fiCount8 - 1
cmd8.Caption = Str(fiCount8)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer9_Timer()
If fiCount9 = 0 Then
Timer9.Enabled = False
cmd9.Enabled = False
fiNumLeft = fiNumLeft - 1

fiCount9 = fiCount9 - 1
cmd9.Caption = Str(fiCount9)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tmrEndGame_Timer()
If fiNumLeft = 0 Then
cmd1.Caption = "X"
cmd2.Caption = "X"
cmd3.Caption = "X"
cmd4.Caption = "X"
cmd5.Caption = "X"
cmd6.Caption = "X"
cmd7.Caption = "X"
cmd8.Caption = "X"
cmd9.Caption = "X"

Timer1.Enabled = False
Timer2.Enabled = False
Timer3.Enabled = False
Timer4.Enabled = False
Timer5.Enabled = False
Timer6.Enabled = False
Timer7.Enabled = False
Timer8.Enabled = False
Timer9.Enabled = False

frmGameOver.Visible = True
tmrEndGame.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

frmAbout :

Option Explicit

' Reg Key Security Options...
Const READ_CONTROL = &H20000
Const KEY_NOTIFY = &H10


' Reg Key ROOT Types...
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Const REG_SZ = 1 ' Unicode nul terminated string
Const REG_DWORD = 4 ' 32-bit number

Const gREGKEYSYSINFOLOC = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools Location"
Const gREGKEYSYSINFO = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSINFO"

Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, ByRef phkResult As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, ByRef lpType As Long, ByVal lpData As String, ByRef lpcbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long

Private Sub cmdSysInfo_Click()
Call StartSysInfo
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Public Sub StartSysInfo()
On Error GoTo SysInfoErr

Dim rc As Long
Dim SysInfoPath As String

' Try To Get System Info Program Path\Name From Registry...
' Try To Get System Info Program Path Only From Registry...
' Validate Existance Of Known 32 Bit File Version
If (Dir(SysInfoPath & "\MSINFO32.EXE") <> "") Then
SysInfoPath = SysInfoPath & "\MSINFO32.EXE"

' Error - File Can Not Be Found...
GoTo SysInfoErr
End If
' Error - Registry Entry Can Not Be Found...
GoTo SysInfoErr
End If

Call Shell(SysInfoPath, vbNormalFocus)

Exit Sub
MsgBox "System Information Is Unavailable At This Time", vbOKOnly
End Sub

Public Function GetKeyValue(KeyRoot As Long, KeyName As String, SubKeyRef As String, ByRef KeyVal As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Long ' Loop Counter
Dim rc As Long ' Return Code
Dim hKey As Long ' Handle To An Open Registry Key
Dim hDepth As Long '
Dim KeyValType As Long ' Data Type Of A Registry Key
Dim tmpVal As String ' Tempory Storage For A Registry Key Value
Dim KeyValSize As Long ' Size Of Registry Key Variable
' Open RegKey Under KeyRoot {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE...}
rc = RegOpenKeyEx(KeyRoot, KeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, hKey) ' Open Registry Key

If (rc <> ERROR_SUCCESS) Then GoTo GetKeyError ' Handle Error...

tmpVal = String$(1024, 0) ' Allocate Variable Space
KeyValSize = 1024 ' Mark Variable Size

' Retrieve Registry Key Value...
rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, SubKeyRef, 0, _
KeyValType, tmpVal, KeyValSize) ' Get/Create Key Value

If (rc <> ERROR_SUCCESS) Then GoTo GetKeyError ' Handle Errors

If (Asc(Mid(tmpVal, KeyValSize, 1)) = 0) Then ' Win95 Adds Null Terminated String...
tmpVal = Left(tmpVal, KeyValSize - 1) ' Null Found, Extract From String
Else ' WinNT Does NOT Null Terminate String...
tmpVal = Left(tmpVal, KeyValSize) ' Null Not Found, Extract String Only
End If
' Determine Key Value Type For Conversion...
Select Case KeyValType ' Search Data Types...
Case REG_SZ ' String Registry Key Data Type
KeyVal = tmpVal ' Copy String Value
Case REG_DWORD ' Double Word Registry Key Data Type
For i = Len(tmpVal) To 1 Step -1 ' Convert Each Bit
KeyVal = KeyVal + Hex(Asc(Mid(tmpVal, i, 1))) ' Build Value Char. By Char.
KeyVal = Format$("&h" + KeyVal) ' Convert Double Word To String
End Select

GetKeyValue = True ' Return Success
rc = RegCloseKey(hKey) ' Close Registry Key
Exit Function ' Exit

GetKeyError: ' Cleanup After An Error Has Occured...
KeyVal = "" ' Set Return Val To Empty String
GetKeyValue = False ' Return Failure
rc = RegCloseKey(hKey) ' Close Registry Key
End Function

frmGameOver :

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
frmGameOver.Visible = False
fiCount1 = 10
fiCount2 = 10
fiCount3 = 10
fiCount4 = 10
fiCount5 = 10
fiCount6 = 10
fiCount7 = 10
fiCount8 = 10
fiCount9 = 10
fiScore = 0
frmGames.TxtScore.Text = "0"
fiLastPressed = 0
fiNumLeft = 9

'set initial start speeds for each timer
frmGames.Timer1.Interval = 1000
frmGames.Timer2.Interval = 1000
frmGames.Timer3.Interval = 1000
frmGames.Timer4.Interval = 1000
frmGames.Timer5.Interval = 1000
frmGames.Timer6.Interval = 1000
frmGames.Timer7.Interval = 1000
frmGames.Timer8.Interval = 1000
frmGames.Timer9.Interval = 1000

End Sub

  • Buatlah game dengan format *.exe dengan cara klik file kemudian klik Make Project1.exe

Category : edit post

Bermain Regedit

Diposting oleh Berbagi Ilmu On 13.13 0 komentar


Key : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Po licies\Exp lorer Value Name : NoDrives Data type : DWORD Value Data :

Drive Dec Hex Drive Dec Hex Drive Dec Hex

A 1 1 J 512 200 S 262144 40000 B 2 2 K 1024 400 T 524288 80000 C 4 4 L 2048 800 U 1048576 1 000 00 D 8 8 M 4096 1000 V 2097152 200000 E 16 10 N 8192 2000 W 4194304 4 000 00

F 32 20 O 16384 4000 X 8388608 8 000 00

G 64 40 P 32768 8000 Y 1677216 1 000 000 H 128 80 Q 65536 10000 Z 33554432 2 000 000

Catatan : Untuk beberapa huruf, semuanya dijumlahkan. Contoh : A, B dengan D = 1 + 2 + 8 = 11 (desimal) atau B (heksadesimal)

I 256 100 R 131072 20000 All 67108863 3FFFFFF

Key : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Po licies\Exp lorer Value Name : NoNetHood Data type : DWORD Value Data : 1 (aktif/hilang) 0 (non aktif/n ormal)

Category : edit post

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